American for Prosperity Launches Major Campaign to ‘Un-Rig’ the U.S. Economy Through Pro-Growth Tax Reforms

Tennessee Star


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) announced Friday it has launched the first in a series of ads calling on members of Congress to “un-rig” the U.S. economy by passing pro-growth tax reform.

The ad campaign will run in the six-figure range, and appear on digital platforms targeting abut a dozen members of Congress as a part of a summer-long push to shape the House of Representative’s tax-reform efforts around five pro-growth principles.

Rep. Black chairs the Budget Committee and is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, which will write the tax reform bill the House will consider later this year.

AFP – Tennessee’s State Director Andy Ogles said in a statement, “Americans want a tax system that is honest and fair, which will grow the economy and create jobs.”

Ogles added:

We hope Rep. Black will fight back against the current rigged tax system by leading the effort to pass pro-growth tax reform based on AFP’s 5 Principles of simplicity, efficiency, equitability, predictability, and no new burden on taxpayers. That means opposing a border adjustment tax – a trillion-dollar tax on consumers masquerading as a tax on imports.

Included in the first round of ads is one encouraging activists in Tennessee to contact Rep. Diane Black and tell her to “support AFP’s plan to un-rig the economy.”



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